Former Space in Toronto, ON (2020-2021)
TAP Art Space will continue to support investigations in the contemporary art context in the city of Toronto, Ontario starting in the fall of 2020
At the moment we are not accepting project proposals
TAP Art Space is accessible for everyone with direct access from laneway
Former Space in Montreal, Canada (2018 - 2019)
TAP is an independent art space founded in the spring of 2018 by independent organizers Audrey-Anne Morin and Marx Ruiz-Wilson. The project was created as a response to the increasing need for spaces to showcase works and ideas of artists with diverse backgrounds in the city of Montreal. TAP encourages explorative and experimental investigations in visual arts of all kinds.
TAP est un espace d'art indépendant fondé au printemps 2018 par les organisateurs indépendants Audrey-Anne Morin et Marx Ruiz-Wilson. Le projet a été créé en réponse au besoin croissant d'espaces pour présenter des œuvres et des idées d'artistes provenant de divers environnements. TAP encourage les recherches et expérimentation dans les arts visuels de toutes sortes.