Caroline Douville

Roi Heenok à MTV France, 2022
42 x 54 in
Oil and image transfer on canvas
© alignements

Roi Heenok à MTV France, 2022
42 x 54 in
Oil and image transfer on canvas
© alignements
Caroline Douville’s piece is inspired by Roi Heenok, a Haitian-Québécois rapper who appeared in the music scene in the early 2000s. In 2005, during his first appearance on MTV France, Heenok performed a legendary freestyle act, featuring cocaine mountains and flamethrowers. Douville's work masterfully depicts the comedic absurdity achieved in Heenok’s performance.
Olga Abeleva, David Bellemare, Caroline Douville, Nadya Isabella, Philip Leonard Ocampo, Katayoon Yousefbigloo
John Chae, Chantal Khoury, Phuong Nguyen, Olga Abeleva, David Bellemare, Caroline Douville, Julien Parant-Marquis.
Group Show